Enhanced Forest Management
Enhanced Forest Management (EFM) refers to a suite of interventions that manipulate site resources, tree genetics, and stand structure with the goal of optimizing tree growth and merchantability per unit area of land (White et al. 2002). Retrieved Dec.19, 2020. This project is focused on the EFM practices of density management in natural and managed stands of lodgepole pine and white spruce in Western Canada.
Review of Current Literature
A comprehensive review of the existing knowledge of thinning treatments applied to lodgepole and white spruce-dominated stands in Alberta was conducted, with particular regard to thinning intensity, the timing of interventions, method and impacts on crop tree growth responses. Although the geographical focus of this review is Alberta, information on this topic is more complete in other areas of North America, Scandinavia, and northern Europe, where there is a long history of density management. It is intended that the information presented, may support ongoing and future research trials and growth and yield (G&Y) model development with particular regard to the timing of thinning interventions, thinning intensity and impacts on tree crop growth responses, and related risks. The risks in relation to the thinning regime also need to be understood.
Lodgepole pine and white spruce thinning in Alberta―a review of North American and
European best practices
Commercial Thinning Decision Support Tools
First approximation stand density management diagrams were developed for natural, even-aged lodgepole pine and white spruce stands in Alberta using the Provincial Growth and Yield Initiative plot database. A spreadsheet application was also developed to enable the visualization of stands, plot trajectories, growth model projections and the impact of thinning regimes and expected outcomes. The project will help improve the management of the forest resource in Alberta through providing models and tools that enable forest managers to create crop plans that project the timing and scale of timber removal via commercial thinning operations.
The Development of Stand Density Management Diagrams for Natural Lodgepole Pine and White Spruce Stands in Alberta.
Lodgepole Pine Density Management Diagram Visualization Excel Tool.
White Spruce Density Management Diagram Visualization Excel Tool.
Stand Marking and Estimation Excel Tool
Handbook for Commercial Thinning in Alberta
The purpose of this handbook is to recommend helpful resources and to provide information on the following:
- Where to thin
- When to thin
- How much to remove
- What thinning method to utilize
- Introduction to basic crop planning approaches
- Operational details to consider when planning a thinning treatment
Handbook for Commercial Thinning in Alberta
(Version 1)