Tree Improvement Alberta Project Team
Tree Improvement Alberta was established to facilitate the delivery of programs or projects related to forest genetics in Alberta.
Tree Improvement Alberta started in 2011 with an adhoc group of companies interested in tree improvement at a time following a period of severe economic downturn for the forest industry. Industry participants concerned over the continuity of funding program activities due to perceived insufficient return on investment and lack of clarity on how benefits of tree improvement might be realized. The group identified the need for greater communication and coordination amongst industry, government and academic representatives to create clear objectives for tree improvement in Alberta and mechanisms for achieving them.
On November 8th, 2011 a workshop was held including senior level representatives from industry, government and academia to generate and discuss ideas towards a new tree improvement model for Alberta. In April of 2012, Tree Improvement Alberta became a consortium of industry and government representatives under fRI Research.
Tree Improvement Alberta was established to facilitate the delivery of programs or projects related to forest genetics in Alberta. The initial project under TIA authority was the three year Tree Species Adaptation Risk Management project funded by Climate Change and Emissions Management Corporation (CCEMC).
In 2016, TIA membership voted to transition into a project team of FGrOW. A new Terms of Reference for TIA was ratified by members in March of 2016.
Tree Improvement Alberta’s Objectives
- Advance forest genetics and tree improvement in Alberta by coordinating, implementing, or supporting collaborative research projects in forest genetics and operational tree improvement activities to maximize efficiency among its members and collaborators.
- Promote communication among members through business meetings, workshops and field excursions, which enhance learning and knowledge transfer making it easier for members and other stakeholders to coalesce to common tree improvement priorities in Alberta.
- Provide an avenue for constructive dialogue between forest companies involved in tree improvement and the Alberta government.
- Promote and facilitate communication among Forest Genetics, Growth and Yield, and Silviculture practitioners on all forest genetics related matters.
- Maintain communication and collaboration with the Alberta Forest Genetic Resources Council and other stakeholders with interest in the management of forest genetic resources in Alberta.