Policy and Practice Project Team
The Policy and Practice Project Team evolved from the Alberta Forest Growth Organization. It provides its members with a venue for discussing and addressing forest management opportunities and challenges.

The overall aim of the project is to advance the goals of the Provincial Growth and Yield Initiative (PGYI) by pooling FGrOW member data into an association-wide database that supports the development and validation of growth models. The permanent sample plot database will provide a storage facility for members’ data, support advanced analytics and modeling, as well as accommodate the future data and knowledge requirements of FGrOW members.
The Alberta Forest Growth Organization continues with a 2nd Workshop: Getting Your Offsets to Market
The second workshop “Getting Your Offsets to Market” will be held on May 6th at Ramada Conference Centre on Kingsway Avenue in Edmonton, AB. We will build from the work presented at the January 20th Carbon 101 Workshop. (click here to review presentations).
This workshop will again count towards the Registered Professional Forester (RPF) continuing competency program. The 1 day workshop will be worth 5 CU Gen/Tech and 5.5 CU LPPP
AFGO's Forest Offsets Workshop #2 will take place on May 6, 2010 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. This workshop will work towards identifying the business case for forest based carbon credits. Discussions and information from this meeting will provide input into the September conference.
Further details on this workshop and the fall conference will be posted in the near future.