A large long-term field trial was established in the Upper and Lower Foothills sub-regions of the Canadian boreal forest to monitor the effects of planting, vegetation management, and pre- commercial thinning on the development of lodgepole pine stands following harvesting. Data collected at the end of the trial’s regeneration phase, 17 to 20 years after its establishment, were tested for treatment effects and projected to rotation age. Planting generally improved stocking and increased projected growth and yield of lodgepole pine. On modal sites, planted trees were often greatly outnumbered by natural regeneration; however, on others, typically with either poorer or richer soils, satisfactory restocking was not achieved without planting. Control of competing vegetation by herbicide application facilitated regeneration of pine where it was otherwise difficult or impossible on sites with excessive herbaceous or hardwood competition. Pre-commercial thinning accelerated the growth of individual trees and was projected to shorten rotations in dense stands. Responses to the treatments varied depending on environmental factors. Particular treatments may be effective to meet management objectives under some site conditions but unnecessary or counterproductive elsewhere.
Dempster, W.R. “Effects of Planting, Vegetation Management, and Pre-Commercial Thinning on the Growth and Yield of Lodgepole Pine Regenerated after Harvesting in
Alberta, Canada.” Forests. 2022. 13, 929. https://doi.org/10.3390/f13060929