Regenerated Lodgepole Pine Project

Overview of the effects of harvesting, mechanical site preparation, planting, herbicide application, and pre-commercial thinning on the regeneration, growth, and yield of lodgepole pine. Includes an interactive map of the RLP trial installations. A companion booklet is also available.
In the year 2000, 9 forest management agreement holders formed, and became partners in, the Foothills Growth and Yield Association (FGYA). The FGYA established the Regenerated Lodgepole Pine (RLP) trial, to monitor the effects of planting, vegetation management, and pre-commercial thinning on the development of lodgepole pine regenerated after harvesting. In 2015, the FGYA was incorporated within the Forest Growth Organization of Western Canada (FGrOW) as the Foothills Pine Project Team. The portion of the Team’s research dealing with the RLP trial, together with related analyses and modelling of post-disturbance regeneration, became the Regenerated Lodgepole Pine (RLP) Project.
Over the two decades following establishment of the RLP trial, the Project, with input from many people, accumulated a substantial amount of knowledge on the regeneration phase of lodgepole pine post-harvest stand development. Use the tabs above to explore the resulting resources. These resource types are categorized as follows:
- Manuals and guides: field manuals describing past and future procedures for measurement and maintenance of the RLP trial, and a comprehensive guide for FRIPSY users;
- Presentations: FRIPSY training videos and PowerPoint tutorials;
- Papers: peer-reviewed articles about the RLP trial, stand dynamics following mountain pine beetle disturbance, climate effects on tree disease and mortality, and related best management practices;
- Reports: technical documents including a description of the RLP trial establishment, assessments of crop performance at various stages of the trial’s regeneration phase, and information about supplementary projects which were used to augment the trial data;
- QuickNotes: primarily notes on progress and interim results of the RLP trial.
For further information contact: info@fgrow.ca
The information and links provided on this page are also available in a PDF.

Bob Udell (above left) spearheaded the establishment of the FGYA and the RLP Project in 1999. Dr Dick Dempster (above right) served as the Project’s scientific authority from its inception until 2022.

Rand McPherson (above) was the original Field Coordinator for the RLP trial.

Sharon Meredith (above right) oversaw much of the project management and field data collection. She was assisted in auditing fieldwork by Jerone Snively (above left).
Christian Weik of the Foothills Model Forest (now fRI Research) developed the database for the RLP trial. Bob Held of Sundre Forest Products and Julie Duval of fRI Research provided GIS and other data management support.
Gyula Gulyas (THEXLWIZ Consulting) assisted in the development and programming of FRIPSY. Shongming Huang of the Alberta Government Reforestation, Inventory and Biometrics Section led the team that developed GYPSY, and advised on its application.
Dr Philip Comeau of the University of Alberta undertook and reported supplementary research on effects of aspen on lodgepole pine growth. Drs Simon Landhausser and Tod Ramsfield, of the University of Alberta and Canadian Forest Service respectively, assisted in reviving, augmenting, and re-measuring the Sundance site preparation trial, which also provided important information supplementing the RLP trial.

Forestry consultants who worked over multiple years measuring the RLP trial included Apical Forestry, West Sky Resource Consultants, Deci-Con Consulting, Deep Valley Forestry, Bushmen Enterprises, and Tall Timber Resources.
FRIPSY (Foothills Reforestation Interactive Planning System) User Guide
Contains instructions for the use of FRIPSY, a description of system design and structure, and statistical details of the incorporated regeneration sub-models.
Regenerated lodgepole pine trial field manual for growth phase measurements and maintenance | v7.3
Design and specifications for the revised plot layout, measurements, data formats, maintenance, and quality control required for ongoing growth monitoring of the trial. A measurement schedule for the period 2022 to 2026 is appended to the manual. Version 7.3, released February 2023.
Regenerated lodgepole pine trial field manual for growth phase transition measurements and maintenance | v5.3
Describes measurements, maintenance, and quality control applied during the transition between regeneration and growth phases of the trial, from 2015 to 2020. Version 5.3, released July 2019.
Regenerated lodgepole pine trial field manual for regeneration phase measurements and maintenance | v4.3
Describes plot layout, measurements, maintenance, and quality control that were applied during the regeneration phase of the trial, up to 2014. Version 4.3, released June 2014
Regenerated lodgepole pine trial field manual thinning supplement
Supplement to the regeneration phase field manual, describing methodology for the trial’s pre-commercial thinning treatment.
Note: If the video resolution is poor, click on the Gear settings icon in the video player and select a higher quality level.
FRIPSY Tutorial Part 1: the basics
Training module introducing the Foothills Reforestation Interactive Planning System (FRIPSY), including input options and requirements, instructions for running the model in single-stand mode, and an explanation of outputs. A PowerPoint version is also available, with notes pages replacing the audio commentary.
FRIPSY Tutorial Part 2: batch processing
FRIPSY training module showing how to enter data and make runs in batch mode. A PowerPoint version is also available, with notes pages replacing the audio commentary.
FRIPSY Tutorial Part 3: exploring treatment effects
FRIPSY training module, exploring and demonstrating predicted effects of reforestation treatments on stand development. A PowerPoint version is also available, with notes pages replacing the audio commentary.
Foothills Reforestation Interactive Planning System: linking silviculture to growth and yield
Webinar from the FGrOW Spring 2021 Series, discussing why linking reforestation practice to growth and yield is important, what is missing for this purpose in existing predictive models, how FRIPSY works, and what more needs to be done.
Effects of planting, vegetation management, and pre-commercial thinning on the growth and yield of lodgepole pine regenerated after harvesting in Alberta, Canada
Data collected 17 to 20 years after establishment of the RLP trial, at the end of the regeneration phase of stand development, were tested for effects of planting, vegetation management and pre-commercial thinning, and projected to rotation age. Results are compared with those from research elsewhere, and discussed in relation to their implications for forest management.
Growth and yield of lodgepole pine stands disturbed by mountain pine beetle in the Lower Foothills of Alberta
Permanent sample plots attacked by mountain pine beetle were monitored over the decade following the 2006 outbreak in western Alberta. Changes in stand structure and dynamics are reported, and future stand development projected. Implications of harvesting are discussed relative to natural succession.
Impact of climate on juvenile mortality and Armillaria root disease in lodgepole pine
Mortality and health of regeneration during the 12 years following harvest were monitored and evaluated. Results are described in relation to climate, site and silvicultural treatments, with emphasis on susceptibility of planted stock to Armillaria root disease.
A discussion of best management practices for reforestation following harvesting of lodgepole pine in the Alberta foothills
Alberta forest managers reviewed results of the RLP trial, and their implications for reforestation practice. Observations and recommendations of the group are summarized.
Regenerated lodgepole pine trial final regeneration phase report
Technical report summarizing analyses of data collected at the end of the trial’s regeneration phase, between 2017 and 2020. It includes descriptions and discussion of analytical methods, results, and recommendations for continued monitoring of the trial.
Effects of harvesting and site preparation methods on juvenile stand development of lodgepole pine
Unpublished final technical report for the Sundance site preparation trial, prepared for Edson and Hinton Woodlands, a division of West Fraser Mills Ltd. The trial was established in 2001 and re-measured in 2017.
For further information contact info@fgrow.ca
Regenerated lodgepole pine trial crop performance report 18-year results
Technical report describing results of measurements made in 2018. It includes an assessment of current growth and change rates, a review and recommendations concerning instability in growth and yield projections, and an addendum evaluating the effects of minimum height standards on such projections.
Regenerated lodgepole pine trial crop performance report
Technical report describing results of measurements made in 2014. The stand age at this time equated to the end of the regeneration performance assessment period specified by the Reforestation Standard of Alberta. The report includes a description of stand conditions following completion of the pre-commercial thinning treatment.
Application of lodgepole pine regeneration research to best management practices
Discussion paper based on proceedings of Best Management Workshop, Edmonton March 27, 2013.
Regenerated lodgepole pine trial 10-year crop performance report
Technical report describing interim results of the trial, based on measurements made in 2011 (10 years after planting, average stand age 11 years since harvest).
Progress and achievements of the Foothills Growth and Yield Association: the first decade April 2000 – March 2010
Overview of initial work undertaken by the Foothills Growth and Yield Association (FGYA)
to expand understanding of lodgepole pine’s growth in natural and regenerated stands.
Effects of aspen competition on growth of lodgepole pine
Technical report of a study examining effects of aspen on lodgepole pine in western Alberta, based on single examinations of 18 installations within post-harvest stands across 3 ages classes.
A growth and yield projection system (GYPSY) for natural and post-harvest stands
Alberta Sustainable Resource Development technical report describing the model used in FRIPSY to project stand development from 18 years after harvest to rotation age.
Comparison of pre-harvest and post-harvest site indices
Technical report describing an extension to the RLP Project undertaken to provide interim forecasts of post-harvest site index, relative to pre-harvest values. The comparison was based on paired plots in adjacent fire-origin and post-harvest stands.
Regenerated lodgepole pine trial establishment report
Comprehensive description of the trial’s original objectives, participation, design, and installation. Appendices include details of each installation’s establishment, and initial growth and yield projections for planted lodgepole pine.
Effects of planting on the growth and yield of reforested lodgepole pine stands
Projected effects of planting on mean annual increment of lodgepole pine at rotation age.
Effects of weeding on the growth and yield of reforested lodgepole pine stands
Projected effects of weeding on mean annual increment of lodgepole pine at rotation age.
Effects of pre-commercial thinning on the growth and yield of reforested lodgepole pine stands
Projected effects of pre-commercial thinning on mean annual increment of lodgepole pine at rotation age.
Monitoring tree infection and mortality after mountain pine beetle attack
Rates of tree mortality occurring in permanent sample plots attacked by mountain pine beetle.
Stand dynamics after mountain pine beetle attack
Rationale, objectives and methodology for monitoring stand dynamics in permanent sample plots after mountain pine beetle attack.
Regenerated lodgepole pine trial 10-year results – possible implications for foothills forest management
Discusses implications of measurements made 10 growing seasons after planting.
Regenerated lodgepole pine trial 10-year results – tree mortality and health
Summarizes tree mortality and health 10 growing seasons after planting.
Regenerated lodgepole pine trial 10-year results – growth and natural regeneration
Summarizes growth and natural regeneration observed 10 growing seasons after planting.
Effects of climate on mortality of young planted lodgepole pine
Interim analyses of the relationship between climate, and mortality of regeneration observed 5 growing seasons after planting of the RLP trial.
Regenerated lodgepole pine project – fifth year results
Initial assessment of the RLP trial data, based on measurements made 5 growing seasons after planting.