About the Field Tour
The optional one-day field tour showcased growth and yield research being conducted in Alberta as well as the applications of new technologies. The field tour allowed participants working in different geographic locations to continue discussions initiated at the conference, to build relationships, and to identify opportunities for future collaboration.
The full proceedings of the conference can be found here.
Characterizing and Modelling Stands Following Mountain Pine Beetle Attack
Dr. Robert E. Froese, RPF, CF, Professor and Endowed Chair in Forest Growth & Yield, Executive Director, Forest Growth Organization of Western Canada
Very Old Aspen: Successional Pathways and Growth Modelling
Paul Leblanc, MScF, RPF, District Forest, Louisiana-Pacific Canada Ltd.
Applied Aerial LiDAR Demonstration
Dr. Robert E. Froese, RPF, CF, Professor and Endowed Chair in Forest Growth & Yield, Executive Director, Forest Growth Organization of Western Canada